well, lets begin.
today is my last school day before holiday. so.. today we had an event in mosque and we were forgiving each other there. *one more information : finally I've finished my UTS, thanks god !!* teachers and students were apologizing and forgiving each other, but perhaps it was not happen with that shitman ! when i was asked apologize to him, he seems that wont forgive me ! how d*mn !
the story continue when i was in teacher room, i just wanna be a friendly girl to him. so I asked about something, and he replied me "*AM* AJA YANG GA G*U* !!" [sori di bintang-bintangin, abis shokin bgt sih..]
I was shocked then !!! He made my last day in school broke up !!! I cried then ! maybe that was a serious to you. maybe if he talk it with a smile, i know that he was in joke, but he tell me those words with a bulldog face !! da*n .. hey mister !
4 komentar:
your writing is so attractive. That's called as the problem of life that must be solved only by you.
he he. You're so creative. I like the way you write.
Gak boleh gitu ah....
abis kesel ji..
jahat bener. mana hari ini dibilangin dancing-head.
my gosh !
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